This is an alert to our customers: There are counterfeit BeaterBlade products being sold on the internet. There are companies on Amazon.com, “Brand New World”; “Domooth”; “AIZARA”; “Lesonux” and many others on eBay.com. These products are made in China with substandard materials without our permission. They are dangerous copies and illegal. If you suspect buying a counterfeit product, we urge you to contact us and we can help authenticate your part. We are doing all we can to eradicate these bad actors and ask your help to spread the word. Make sure to buy only from approved vendors. Remember, the Original BeaterBlade® products are proudly made in the USA. Do not accept any foreign substitutes.
What are BeaterBlade® products made of?
BeaterBlade Metal is full frame Aluminum with food safe powder coating and over molded with 2 layers of plastic for sanitation. The Original BeaterBlade is made of USA copolyester plastics. Those foreign “flex edge” knockoffs you see are not sanitary (metal and plastic do NOT bond) thus food lodges between the metal and plastic blades…gross. Also, over time…the soft plastic of these counterfeit blades will start peeling away from the body as they are mixing your ingredients.
Where are BeaterBlade products manufactured?
The Original BeaterBlade products were invented in San Diego, CA and continue to be made there in a factory that manufactures medical devices. BeaterBlade Metal is manufactured in Taiwan at a factory we’ve used for over a decade.
My BeaterBlade scraper is too tight / loose.
You can change the pressure of the blade hitting the bowl with the “bowl height adjustment screw” that is on every stand mixer.
Will BeaterBlade products hurt my mixer motor?
No. This is the most frequently asked question right after, “Which BeaterBlade mixing scraper do I need?” Please see this independent laboratory report showing stress levels put on the mixer while using a BeaterBlade attachment versus a dough hook. Here’s another showing that BeaterBlade® scrapers do NOT stress the mixer more than KitchenAid® scrapers.
What is your warranty?
We offer a 1-year manufacturer’s defect warranty on authentic BeaterBlade products. If something happens, please follow instructions here. AUS-ION pans are warranted against manufacturer defects. Please contact them here.
My blade is skipping.
First, remember to NEVER run a BeaterBlade scraper in an empty bowl. Our blades are stiff to create the best scraping action and because of that, some bowls might squeak. The fastest remedy is to add your fats (butter, cream cheese) and that should quiet things down. You can also run some fat along the blade. In time, the squeaking should go away. The more you use a BeaterBlade mixing scraper, the better it performs.